Quest | Gem | Cost | Enemy at the Gate | Freezing Pulse | REWARD | Mercy Mission | Elemental Proliferation Support | REWARD | Breaking Some Eggs | Orb of Storms | REWARD | Breaking Some Eggs | Holy Flame Totem | 1 x Scroll of Wisdom | Breaking Some Eggs | Steelskin | 1 x Scroll of Wisdom | Breaking Some Eggs | Flame Wall | 1 x Scroll of Wisdom | Breaking Some Eggs 2 | Frostblink | REWARD | The Caged Brute | Flame Dash | REWARD | The Caged Brute 2 | Added Lightning Damage Support | REWARD | The Caged Brute 2 | Clarity | 1 x Orb of Transmutation | The Caged Brute 2 | Vitality | 1 x Orb of Transmutation | The Caged Brute 2 | Smoke Mine | 1 x Orb of Transmutation | The Sirens Cadence | Storm Brand | REWARD |