Build Gem Checklist AppShare Link: at the GateStormblast MineREWARDMercy MissionSwift Assembly SupportREWARDMercy MissionOnslaught Support 1 x Scroll of WisdomBreaking Some EggsOrb of StormsREWARDBreaking Some Eggs 2FrostblinkREWARDThe Caged BruteAdded Lightning Damage SupportREWARDThe Caged Brute 2Smoke MineREWARDThe Sirens CadenceNoneREWARDThe Sirens CadenceIcicle Mine 1 x Orb of Transmutation Notes: ==========Act2==========Bandits – ALLQuestGemCostIntruders in BlackHerald of ThunderREWARDIntruders in BlackSummon Skitterbots 1 x Orb of AlterationSharp and CruelTrap and Mine Damage SupportREWARD Notes: ==========Act3==========QuestGemCostLost in LoveHatredREWARDSever the Right HandNoneREWARDA Fixture of FateNoneREWARD Notes: ==========Act4==========QuestGemCostBreaking the SealNoneREWARDThe Eternal NightmareChain SupportREWARDNotes: ====Ascendancy Nodes====LabNodeNormalUnstable InfusionCruelOpportunisticMercilessDeadly InfusionEternalAmbush and Assassinate