Build Gem Checklist AppShare Link: at the GateSplitting SteelREWARDMercy MissionOnslaught SupportREWARDBreaking Some Eggs 2DashREWARDThe Caged BruteMaim SupportREWARDThe Caged Brute 2VitalityREWARDThe Sirens CadenceNoneREWARDThe Sirens CadenceSpectral Helix 1 x Orb of Transmutation Notes: Corroded blade or Stone axe to buy 1 R- 2G Splitting + onslaught + Chance to bleed 2 R Main + Ancestral protector SWITCH splitting just before killing Fairgrave. and don\’t forget leveling Lifetap(x2) in second weapon ==========Act2==========Bandits – ALLQuestGemCostIntruders in BlackBlood RageREWARDIntruders in BlackHerald of Ash 1 x Orb of AlterationIntruders in BlackCorrupting Fever 1 x Orb of AlterationSharp and CruelCruelty SupportREWARDSharp and CruelVicious Projectiles Support 1 x Orb of Alteration Notes: Dont level aura! buy Poleaxe CF for leveling add in second weapon with Lifetap 1 R + 2 G or 3G spectral + cruelty (or onslaught) + vicious==========Act3==========QuestGemCostLost in LovePrideREWARDLost in LoveDetermination 1 x Orb of AlterationLost in LoveVulnerability 1 x Orb of AlterationSever the Right HandNoneREWARDSever the Right HandTornado Shot 1 x Orb of ChanceA Fixture of FateImpale SupportREWARD Notes: Determination and pride just for leveling (peharps vulnerability?) TS for leveling look for 3G and 1R add impale to the mix Do trial and go for Blood in the eyes==========Act4==========QuestGemCostBreaking the SealNoneREWARDThe Eternal NightmareGreater Multiple Projectiles SupportREWARDThe Eternal NightmareBrutality Support 1 x Orb of AlchemyNotes: ====Ascendancy Nodes====LabNodeNormalBlood in the EyesCruelGratuitous ViolenceMercilessOutmatch and OutlastEternalArena Challenger